I don’t know if this is a question for today or just a comment for us to look at as we develop this, but for instance, the Central area encompasses multiple large dispatch centers. I think it may be helpful for us to go through with those dispatch managers on the protocol as far as who is assigning what, those types of things, and how they’re going to work together if there are multiple folks monitoring or if only one dispatch center is kind of responsible for assigning. These are things I can see and there was some questions that came from my dispatch manager about that. Maybe that is something to put on the list as we go down this path.
I don’t know if this is a question for today or just a comment for us to look at as we develop this, but for instance, the Central area encompasses multiple large dispatch centers. I think it may be helpful for us to go through with those dispatch managers on the protocol as far as who is assigning what, those types of things, and how they’re going to work together if there are multiple folks monitoring or if only one dispatch center is kind of responsible for assigning. These are things I can see and there was some questions that came from my dispatch manager about that. Maybe that is something to put on the list as we go down this path.
We will work on setting up a conversational meeting with Central area dispatch organizations to talk this through. It would be good to have a couple scenarios to talk through when we meet. From this meeting we can devise some takeaways and training ideas for North and South East…Stay Tuned!