
Alaska Land Mobile Radio

A Federal, State, and Municipal Partnership

Security Announcements for ALMR Users

February 27th, 2024|

This space will share important security and cybersecurity information from reputable sources.  ALMR takes cyber and physical security seriously to ensure continued operation of this critical system.  We encourage all ALMR users to disseminate cybersecurity information and best practices throughout .... read more

Upcoming Events Calendar

February 27th, 2024|

Disclaimer:  The listing of events on this page is solely for the benefit of user agencies.  ALMR is not affiliated with the events in any manner.  Links are provided for the event, when available (which is the title in some cases) .... read more

SAFECOM Grant Guidance 2024

May 17th, 2023|

There are several resources available for members to obtain grant funding for interoperable communications.  ALMR maintains a listing of some of the most commonly utilized funding sources on the Grants Information section of our website.  There may be additional funding .... read more

Partner Agencies

Vision Statement

Provide Alaskan public safety first responders with interoperable communications that are cost effective, reliable, and adhere to national standards for public safety land mobile radio.

Mission Statement

Manage the shared ALMR System by supporting the collaborative partnership between public safety first responders serving the citizens of Alaska, and provide secure, reliable, 24/7 operations by utilizing the latest proven land mobile radio technologies

“Our commitment is to provide a wireless, cost effective, public safety interoperable communications system for all of Alaska.”

ALMR Executive Council, Alaska Land Mobile Radio

Contact Information

  • ALMR Help Desk: (907) 334-2567 (within the Anchorage Bowl)
    1-888-334-2567 (outside the Anchorage bowl but within Alaska)

  • 5900 E. Tudor Road, Suite 121
    Anchorage, AK 99507

Paul Fussey
Paul FusseyOperations Manager
Nik Fahnestock
Nik FahnestockSystem Manager
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