
Alaska Land Mobile Radio

A Federal, State, and Municipal Partnership

Approved Equipment List

December 12th, 2022|

The Operations Management Office continues to receive questions on approved equipment for the system. As a reminder: Previously tested equipment as shown on the Approved Equipment List, including non-TDMA, may continue to be utilized on the system. Effective January .... read more

TDMA Phase 2 Capability

October 5th, 2022|

Effective as of January 2021, all new radios added to ALMR must be TDMA capable/enabled.  NOTE:  Additionally, no previously approved models currently authorized to operate on ALMR will be added if they are not TDMA capable. An exciting new capability .... read more

Motorola Subscriber Unit Overview and Update

August 20th, 2022|

On August 17, Motorola Solutions presented an update to their Motorola APX line of radios and included some discussion on features that were coming to the ALMR system.  We are providing the meeting recording below for anyone that was not .... read more

Partner Agencies

Vision Statement

Provide Alaskan public safety first responders with interoperable communications that are cost effective, reliable, and adhere to national standards for public safety land mobile radio.

Mission Statement

Manage the shared ALMR System by supporting the collaborative partnership between public safety first responders serving the citizens of Alaska, and provide secure, reliable, 24/7 operations by utilizing the latest proven land mobile radio technologies

“Our commitment is to provide a wireless, cost effective, public safety interoperable communications system for all of Alaska.”

ALMR Executive Council, Alaska Land Mobile Radio

Contact Information

  • ALMR Help Desk: (907) 334-2567 (within the Anchorage Bowl)
    1-888-334-2567 (outside the Anchorage bowl but within Alaska)

  • 5900 E. Tudor Road, Suite 121
    Anchorage, AK 99507

Paul Fussey
Paul FusseyOperations Manager
Nik Fahnestock
Nik FahnestockSystem Manager
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